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    Security & Compliance

    SSL Support

    Provides secure browsing and online store checkout. A must if you using a payment system from your website to your merchant. Easy install provided by eStoreware when signing up.

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    PCI DSS compliance

    eStoreware meets all PCI Compliance requirements. All of our integrated eCommerce payment methods and gateways transmits credit card data securely.

    Honeypot Secure

    An added extra bit of security when you need it. Honeypot allows only certain IP addresses to access the store owner login. Also can prevent spam by allowing only designated IP addresses to be setup such as only IP's that are in the United States.

    Strong Password Policy

    strong and flexible customer password policy. Passwords can be setup to expire and changed per store owner set schedule and more!

    Latest Technologies

    Microsoft's ASP.NET Core framework brings built-in security for your online store. But when you use PHP-based platforms, it is necessary to design a protection system from scratch to maintain a relative level of security.

    Google ReCaptcha

    Secures all pages that has fillable forms from bots and spammers on the internet. Cut your spam with eStoreware.

    Two-Factor Authentication

    Use 2FA to secure your customers login and keep your site safe from hackers getting ahold of customers passwords.